Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Book Club March 2010

We had few numbers but still a good time.

Thanks to everyone who came to my house last night for book club.

Do you get tired of me telling you how much I love book club?

Becuase I can't help it.

Our new book, picked by Susie, is Mrs. Mike by Benedict and Nancy Freedman.  Susie distributed a few books last night and has a few more on order from the library.

I looked on my trusty and if we get the right combination of people to partake of the 4-for-3 promotion, we can get the books for a whopping $3.62 each.  Let me know if you're interested in that.

Next month, book club is on April 6 at Stephanie's house.

Frances, you have the book next.

Thanks everyone!

(If you still have a library copy of The Glass Castle can you get it to me as soon as possible?  Thanks!)